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Where can I find the nearest amenities to St Martin's?

Want to pick up a few essentials or hit the gym? Find below nearby amenities to Cove - St Martin's, Covent Garden

Nearest supermarket
Address: Tesco Metro, 22-25 Bedford St, WC2E 9EQ
Directions: leave the building and exit Slingsby Pl onto Upper Martin's Lane. Follow down and cross Long Acre turing town Garrick St. Follow down untul the crossroads and you should see Tesco.

Nearest gym
Address: Gymbox, 42-49 St Martin's Ln, Charing Cross, WC2N 4EJ. 
Directions: Leave the building and exit Slingsby Pl onto Upper Martin's Lane, follow all the way down crossing straight over the roundabout. You'll find Gymbox on the corner of St Martin's Lane and Hop Gardens.

Nearest post office
Address: 95 Aldwych, Holborn, WC2B 4JN. 
Directions: Exit Slingsby Place onto Long Acre follow down past Covent Garden underground station, crossing Endell St. before turning right down Drury Lane. Follow all the way down to the main road and turn left at the end. Follow round, crossing Kingsway and you should find the post office.

Nearest pharmacy: 
Address: Boots, 107 - 115 Long Acre, WC2E 9NT.
Directions: exit Slingsby Pl onto Long Acre turn left and follow down for 2 minutes.

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